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Central Michigan Hail & Lateral Framed Print

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Central Michigan Hail & Lateral Framed Print
Central Michigan Hail & Lateral Framed Print Central Michigan Hail & Lateral Framed Print Central Michigan Hail & Lateral Framed Print Central Michigan Hail & Lateral Framed Print Central Michigan Hail & Lateral Framed Print

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Central Michigan got away with one Saturday.

The Chippewas beat the No. 17 Cowboys on a Hail Mary pass on an untimed down that some say should not have been awarded.

On the final play of regulation, Oklahoma State'sMason Rudolph threw a pass out of bounds with no Cowboys in the area as time elapsed. Officials called intentional grounding.

Mid-American ConferenceOfficials marked off the penalty and awarded Central Michigan an untimed down — which the Chippewas took advantage of with a Hail Mary, hook and lateral and touchdown.